Friday, 21 January 2011

Calling all Magazine Readers!!

Hey ladies. My dissertation is on women's magazines, and while it's a bit late now to be asking, since it's due soon, I would appreciate your help!

Do any of you read women's magazines? Which ones? How often? Why? What about them draws you in? Do you feel they actually affect your identity or is it all a bit of fun?

Any answers would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh nooo! Good luck on your dissertation!

    I read Cosmopolitan and Glamour. I read Cosmo rarely, only every once in a while when I'm on vacation where I know there'll be a long flight or car ride, and I want some quick, easy entertainment. When I visited my boyfriend about a month ago, I bought the January and February issue to entertain myself and share silly Cosmo "confessions" with my him. I only recently started reading Glamour, because I got a free subscription using My Coke Rewards. I chose to subscribe to Glamour because I felt it had a little bit of everything; it had hair/makeup/skincare beauty tips, a few interesting life articles, a little celebrity gossip, and FASHION! Plus it wasn't aimed completely towards teens! I feel that these articles are great fun to read for easy entertainment while I'm getting ready for the day or taking a break from studying.

    I hope I helped a little :)

  2. Hi, I'm a magazine lover. I buy Elle for fashion and beauty trends, and glamour and cosmo for the stories, life tips and fashion and beauty.
    Hope that helps :)

  3. I am an avid Teen Vogue reader and I have been since 2005. I always look forward to the newest editions. It may not necessarily be a "womens magazine" but it is my favourite! Other than that I also read VOGUE India. That is another favourite of mine. I love the how VOGUE India showcases indian and western culture in a wearable way. I often look to VOGUE India for outfit ideas and inspiration. Those are my 2 most read magazines, I have/ do read others but no as much. I feel like most of the magazines out there have the same ideas and I like magazines that are more original and have less fruity things (like how to get a boyfriend fast or how to make your legs look slimmer and what not).

    Hope that helped!


  4. Well, I'm Hungarian, and only a selection of women's mags available in the UK are available here, and most are way out of my price range. Sometimes I read Glamour or Cosmo (usually when I like the gift in it or when I'm having a longer trip or holiday and I stack up on lighter reads), mostly the fashion and beauty tips, the psychological-help yourself type of writings and the bigger interviews with celebrities (but only when I like the certain celebrity). Other than that, I read a bunch of random Hungarian magazines, but not regularly (my mum buys them, and I read some of them every once in a while, because I think I can get the same amount of info and better advice on the internet).

  5. Sorry this is late - but hopefully it's still of use! :)

    I do read women's magazines and I read a variety of them regularly. I do not tend to buy the expensive ones as a rule because I just cannot afford them.

    I like gossipy ones like Heat magazine because I love reading about celebrities. It's difficult knowing what to believe gossip wise about celebrities, but I find the magazines entertaining and I enjoy reading them.

    I only subscribe to two magazines and these are More magazine and Company magazine. These are my absolute favourite magazines. They have such varied content and have amazing beauty and fashion pages. Beauty and fashion pages are by far my favourite parts of a magazine. I don't know if they affect my identity as such, but they definitely influence me. These magazines give you ideas of different hair styles to try, different ways of wearing staple items in your wardrobe etc etc. I like these two magazines in particular as they are a good price and great value for money.

    Good luck with your dissertation - it sounds really interesting! x x

  6. Cosmopolitan!!! I like the sex talk! lol
