Monday, 31 January 2011

NOTD's: Confetti Masquerade Ball & China Glaze Emerald Fitzgerald

Hi ladies! Tonight I've got two NOTD posts because I never got around to putting up one of them a couple days ago, so I just figured I'd condense the two. =)

Confetti Masquerade Ball:
A really pretty dark red color. I like to call it a "big girl" color, hehe. While I love the color, and it was opaque within two coats, I felt like it just looked dull the next day. I assume that's something to do with the $1.99 price tag.

China Glaze Emerald Fitzgerald:
One of the colors I got for Christmas. A gorgeous dark emerald that almost has a hint of blue to it. Lovely color, but it doesn't make me swoon every time I look at my nails. I know, I'm so demanding with my nail polishes, I expect so much! ;)



  1. The second one is gorgeous.

    Follow me if u want:
    I'm following u now ;)
    xoxo ;*

  2. Number one is the one for me, shame it didnt perform well though but at $1.99 i suppose you can expect that.
