Tuesday, 8 March 2011

NOTD: Models Own Lilac Dream and e.l.f Glitter Glam

Hi ladies! It's March which means we can now hide away our dark polishes and take out our bright and pastel colors! Which is just what I did the other day.
I used Maybelline's base coat, 1-2 coats of Models Own Lilac Dream, and then layered e.l.f's Glitter Glam over the top. While the e.l.f polish can be a bit goopy, it's just so gorgeous over any color that it's worth the goop. ;)
What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. such a pretty combination of colors <3
    I have glitter glam, wish i had lilac dream too but we dont have that brand here in Norway :(
